Press Release:
Saturday, May 1, 2010 Queen’s Park North, 2 p.m.
The subjects of medical marijuana, marijuana decriminalization and marijuana legalization have never been hotter topics for debate in Canada. With the raid of Toronto’s oldest, and largest, medical marijuana compassion club C.A.L.M (Cannabis As Living Medicine), this year’s Global Marijuana March (G.M.M.) has more meaning than ever for supporters of the medical marijuana movement in Canada. In its 12th year, Toronto’s G.M.M. is the largest gathering of its kind in the world with over 20,000 marchers participating last year.
On Saturday May 1, 2010 G.M.M. hopes to substantially increase its attendance. The G.M.M. float sponsored by C.A.L.M. will lead the march peacefully, north from Queen’s Park to Bloor Street, east to Yonge Street, then south to Wellesley returning to Queen’s Park forToronto Freedom Festival’s 420 Countdown, sponsored by the G.M.M.
Gathering for the G.M.M. will occur at the Toronto Freedom Festival at noon in Queen’s Park before the march commences at 2 p.m. from the north-end of the park, departing from Charles Street. This multi-city event takes place in over 200 cities worldwide and Toronto is #1 in the world in attendance. This year we have much more to stand up for as C.A.L.M, the G.M.M.’s largest sponsor, was wrongfully raided by Police. This unnecessary raid has left over 2,500 sick without access to their medicine and has raised bigger concerns as to how Health Canada has been unable to make its medical marijuana program work. We are also rallying support for Marc Emery with the fight to stop his extradition to the United States. We are very excited to have the “Prince of Pot”, Marc Emery return as our Grand Marshal for what is sure to be the world’s largest G.M.M. to date. On Saturday May 1st we are UNSTOPPABLE!
Do your part to keep the park and city streets clean.
No Dogs, No Glass Bottles, No Alcohol, No Attitude. – Rain or Shine.
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