Today is World Aids Day. What are you doing about it?
I have decided to take my usually day off of blogging and post about this important topic.
I watched some great coverage on music television yesterday that really got me thinking. B.E.T. dedicated their entire show last night to raising awareness about this deadly disease. The hosts debunked myths about the disease, and educated the audience in a very informative way. I hope that they reached their usual audience and that the message got through.
I flipped around to MTV Canada and saw a story that really piqued my interest. Notable and respectable musicians were encouraging us to “Give a Day to World Aids.” The idea is that on December 1st we all give one day’s pay to this important cause. Steven Page of Barenaked Ladies was speaking about what a difference it could make worldwide if everyone donated. I know that he is right.
I am usually reluctant to give out a large amount of money to a single charity. I donate money and time to important causes often. I have a few “favourite” charities, that I have no problem donating to several times a year. Maybe it is time to expand this practice.
I wrote earlier this week about the amount of debt I am in right now. I can’t really afford to give up a day’s pay. Yet, I have so many blessings in my life that I feel compelled to do this right now. So I think I am going to log on to and donate my hard earned money.
I’m not in the best place right now to donate, but if I wait until I am in a good place financially, I probably never will. Something to think about anyway. Why don’t you consider giving a day?
One response to “Give A Day”
I did it. I donated a days pay to World Aids Day. It was easy to do. There is a section that allows you to pick a fund that the money will go into. Ontario College of Teachers has a fund. If any teachers are reading this, please consider donating. Thanks.