I have finally finished organizing my DJ music library. I’ve been working on it all winter and am excited about starting wedding season with this freshly cleaned library.
Having a well-organized collection of music is absolutely essential. I’ve been working on building a great selection of songs that will work for almost any occasion that I may find myself in.
I’ve been sharing my process here. If you missed the previous two videos, you can catch them with the links below.
Organizing My DJ Library (Part 1)
Organizing My Digital Music Library (Part 2)
Here is the third and final video of this series.
Let me know how you manage your digital music files. Please drop a comment in the YouTube video.
Here are some of the great tools I used during this process.
Music Library Tools – for getting genres and years properly labelled
Mixed in Key – for getting BPM and music energy levels
Platinum Notes – for corrected audio volume levels
MP3tag – for renaming my playlists album titles
I might do a few more of these if people are finding them helpful.
Thanks for watching!