Today is Family Day, a provincial holiday that falls on the third Monday of every February. It was started last year in the province of Ontario.
There is a need for such a day that I will wholeheartedly admit. The winter can seem unbearably long for some. I think this is why most universities have a study week in February. It helps us get past the February Blahs.
I guess everyone really needs a bit of a break in February. So what better way than to start a brand new holiday? So far, I am in agreement.
One problem with this whole set up is that the holiday is a provincial one. Federal employees are still working today. Some places of business will be open as well.
Another problem is the actual naming of this day, “family day.” For many people, today will not be a day that they can spend with their family. For myself, this is unfortunately the case.
I admire the fact that we have been “given” a day to spend with our families but that is not something we need to be given. Every day should be family day.
Our neighbouring province has a holiday today as well although they have chosen to name it Louis Riel Day instead. This way they are honouring part of their provincial history by paying homage to one of their founders. I wish we would have done something similar and made this holiday about something. I also wish that this holiday were a true holiday where everything would shut down for the day.
We need common days off where family and friends can get together. As such, the idea for this holiday is a great one. It’s just the practise of it does not live up to the ideal.
2 responses to “Family Day – Really?”
Hi Chase – We had Monday off for President’s Day.
I agree with what you said, “Every day should be family day.” Hopefully many families used the holiday to make special memories with their loved ones.
Hi Barbara,
I completely forgot that it was a holiday south of the border as well. Perhaps we should have copied you and had a Prime Minister’s Day. I doubt it would fly as well as your holiday though.