Fables: Volume 17 – Inherit the Wind by Bill Willingham, Mark Buckingham, Steve Leialoha, and Shwan McManus
I discovered the world of Fables three years ago and I have read all of the trade paperbacks up to volume 17 now. The story really is incredible. It features all of the fairy tale characters we know and love in a modern setting.
In a previous issue, the North Wind was killed in an epic battle. Now, one of his kin must step up and fill that role. Since the Big Bad Wolf renounced his claim to the throne years ago, it falls to his children. Neither he nor his wife, Snow White, are excited about the prospect however.
There are a lot of other things happening in the world of Fables. With the great battle over, different factions are vying for position and influence.
I highly recommend this graphic novel series.
The Sandman: Preludes & Nocturnes by Neil Gaiman, Sam Kieth, Mike Dringenberg, and Malcolm Jones III
The Sandman is one of those titles that I had meant to getting around to reading but never managed to until now. The series ran for seven years staring in 1989 and amassed 75 issues.
Fortunatelty, most of these issues have been collected into graphic novels. I kept seeing the later volumes in the library but I really wanted to read the series from the beginning. So when I saw, volume one of the shelf this week, I just had to pick it up.
It was an interesting tale. It gets a bit horrific as it deals with dreams, nightmares, and hell. I can only imagine how much more graphic it will get in the subsequent volumes.