DOPEfm – Hip-Hop Radio at Its Finest

DOPEfm is an overnight hip-hop radio show that can be heard on 93.3 fm each and every Saturday night.

If you don’t live in the Hamilton, Ontario, Canada area and can’t tune in the signal, you can stream us live on the station website.

If you can’t stay up to listen to us live, you can catch the past four episodes any time you like.

First click on “programming” at the top of the page, find “Dope FM” in the grey area on Saturday, and click on it.

Your screen should now look like this one. You’ll see a description of our show and a list of past episodes. If you click on one of them, you will hear a stream of our programming.

This system is completely automated and we can’t control the starting time of it at all. So if you start listening and you hear the metal show before us, or some commercials, just be patient and hip-hop will start shortly.

So listen live tonight and enjoy the show! Or check it out tomorrow through the archive.

You can also check our podcast page, my artist interview page, and to hear more.

Thanks for tuning in.