Classroom Deal

Every now and then it is nice to do something together as a class that is not specifically related to the curriculum. I like to organize classroom versions of popular television game shows. I have had success with games such as Jeopardy, Wheel of Fortune, and Family Feud. Yesterday, I tried a new game and was amazed at how well it turned out. We played Classroom Deal or No Deal.

It took very little preparation time. First, I went to the Deal or No Deal website and copied down all the money amounts. Second, I found a random number generator on the Internet. Then I typed in all the money amounts into the generator and it produced the list you see below. I printed off the list and put it on my clipboard. On one side of the board I put up the chart of the money amounts like you see in the show.

1. 1000
2. 100000
3. 75
4. 400
5. 1
6. 50000
7. 400000
8. 750
9. 200000
10. 10
11. 50
12. 0.1
13. 300
14. 5000
15. 750000
16. 300000
17. 10000
18. 100
19. 25000
20. 5
21. 1000000
22. 75000
23. 500
24. 500000
25. 200
26. 25

I then drew 26 rectangles on the board and labelled them from 1 – 26. I asked the class to pick a suitcase. They picked case number 10. Ironically case ten held ten dollars. I didn’t tell them this, of course. I erased rectangle number 10 from the board and wrote it beside the number chart.

I then wrote the rounds on the board. Round 1 = 6 cases, 2 = 5 cases, 3 = 4 cases, 4 = 3 cases, 5 = 2 cases, 6 = 1 case, and every other round would also be one case to open.

I counted off the first six students by going up each row of desks. This way everyone knew where we would be stopping the first round. One by one I let the students pick a case. I then erased the chosen case from the board and the dollar amount it held from the chart. After we “opened” six cases, I pretended to talk to a banker by using a calculator as a phone. It was hilarious. I really hammed it up.

Each student had a piece of paper on their desk. If anyone liked the deal, all they had to do was write their name on the paper and bring it up to the front. I would then write the dollar amount under their name and stick it on the board. The point of the game was to come out with the most money at the end.

I had some students stop at round 2, 3, and 4, where the offers were $32 000, $64 000, and $99 000. It was exciting for everyone involved. By round 5 all of the big amounts had been knocked off and the offer fell. And just like on the show, I had students play all the way to the end and come away with the ten dollar prize.

The sole winner in the class was the person who took the deal of $99 000. I had three people tie for second place because they took the $64 000 deal and two students tied for third place. I think everyone really enjoyed the afternoon’s game. I know I sure did. I was surprised at how well it actually turned out. I even gave out prizes for the winners. It was a lot of fun and definitely something I will try again next year.

5 responses to “Classroom Deal”

  1. Your students are blessed to have you for a teacher.

    In my line of work, I’ve come across some — not many — teachers who are surly, poorly educated or just plain dull. I cringe at the damage they are doing.

    Thank heavens for the good ones!

  2. Hey. I’m a middle school teacherf in USA and used your concept of Deal or No Deal w/ my 8th grade Math classes. Later, I found a website with the random actual game. You can find it at By hooking my laptop to a projector, I was able to concentrate on what the bankers deal SHOULD be each time, instead of erasing, etc. from the blackboard. The students enjoyed this way EVEN MORE, as it looks JUST LIKE the real TV show. Thought you might lik,e to add this to your TERRIFIC IDEA!!!

  3. Hi Melanie,

    Thanks for the link. I was actually going to play this game for the last day of school on Friday. I will have to try it with the computer projector. That sounds great!

    What great timing for your comment.
