It’s hard to believe that it is October already.
Time is absolutely flying by, as are the blog posts. Let’s not let them get lost in the archives.
If you find something that speaks to you here, please share it on Facebook, Twitter, or any of the other places you hang out online.
You can read all of the posts from October 2014,
or just these personal favs . . .
This is one of my favourite places to visit. I hadn’t been there in years, so it was really nice to see that nothing has changed. It is still beautiful and captivating.
Classroom Newsletter – Comic Strip Style
Last year, I made the communication between home and school a bit more fun. Instead of prose newsletters, I sent home ones in comic strip form. I found that they were eagerly anticipated and read. Regular newsletters are often just trashed. Why not give it a try?
Barracks Skatepark in London, ON.
This is a great skatepark with many unique features and ramps. It also has a bowl. I highly recommend visiting this park for a great skateboard session.
Is the new Spider-Man truly Superior?
He might not be, but the story is such a great read. And it keeps the possibility of Peter Parker returning to don the costume once again. Until he does though, I am in rapt attention with this series.
Thanks for Chasing Content with me!
We do this every month to look back at the month that was last year. It let’s us all reflect on those times and helps make sure that great posts don’t get buried in the archives.
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