It’s time for another edition of Chasing Content, that monthly feature that has us looking back at the best posts from last year at this time.
Read all of the posts from last January,
or just these highlights
Two years in a row, we didn’t have a White Christmas. The good news though, we were able to still skateboard, which is very unusual in our Canadian winters.
The Scotty Guide to Being Awesome
Chief Engineer Scotty knew how to build a solid reputation. He was able to get the Enterprise out of seemingly impossible situations. He had a secret though, and one we can all learn from.
Speaking of Star Trek, this spin-off series celebrated its 20th Anniversary last year at this time. And this year marks with 50th Anniversary of Star Trek. I’m very excited to see what celebrations will turn up this year!
I didn’t sell all of my resources during my purge of education-related material last year. If you want to click through, browse, and contact me if you would like any of these items, please do so.
Thanks for Chasing Content with me!