At the start of every month I like to look back at what was happening on the blog last year at this time.
It’s May, so construction season is well under way. Let’s jump in the excavator and see what we can dig up.
or these stand-out ones.
I love to explore nature trails. When I first discover a new one, I bring along my camera, lace up my running shoes, and hit the trail unsure of what I will find.
On this particular run, I was compelled to stop at an old ruin and take a few pictures. When I got home, I took to the Internet and found out some interesting history about the modern ruin.
I also love skateboarding and mixtapes. I combined my love for these two things and created a mixtape all about skateboarding. Not only are these good tunes to skate to but most of them are actually about skateboarding as well. Download or stream the tape for free!
We celebrate International Women’s Day every year by dedicating all seven hours of our overnight hip-hop radio program to the Women in Hip-Hop. Here is the easiest way to download last year’s broadcast. It was our 2nd annual special.
Stay tuned to this blog for the 3rd annual download bundle.
I wonder how many people would say that.
Here’s why I’d keep teaching and what I’d do with the money. Now, to go buy a ticket!
Last year I kept a detailed reading log right here on Silent Cacophony. I surprised myself with the sheer number of books and the variety of things that I read over the course of the year.
You can see every title here broken down by genre and then click on the links to learn more about each one.
I’m having a friendly competition with myself to see if I can top 65 books read for the 2013 Reading Year.
I wear a lot of hats as an elementary school teacher. There are so many things that I need to juggle on a daily basis. I give it my all and try my best to motivate and inspire my students.
But it feels like not too many people understand my chosen profession. If that includes you, please click through and explore this post in detail. Thank you!
Click Around
I hope you’ve enjoyed this trip through the archives. Please click on any link that piques your interest and leave comments on my posts. I’d love to hear from you!
Thanks for Chasing Content with me!