It’s time for another edition of Chasing Content, that handy feature that has us looking back at the old, dusty posts from last year at this time.
Read all of the posts from last August
or just these favs
Ain’t Nothing Like the Old School
I dug up my old Commodore 64 computer to play some classic video games, including my all-time favourite game, Bubble Bobble.
Beasley Skatepark (Hamilton, ON)
The oldest skatepark on the Eastern Seaboard is in my hometown of Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. There is a very dedicated group of volunteers that help maintain and update the park.
The More You Do the Better You Feel
It sounds odd, but it is true. I know from experience. Click through to find out how and why this works.
Thanks for Chasing Content with me!
See you at the start of next month for another edition of Chasing Content!