It’s time for another edition of Chasing Content!
Read all of the posts from last June . . .
or just these favs . . .
Comic creators love to recreate origin stories. We’ve seen the origin of Daredevil retold four times so far, once from the legendary writer Frank Miller. But I much prefer Jeph Loeb and Tim Sale’s take in Daredevil: Yellow.
Reflect Now to Improve Your Teaching Next Year
I know that I am already thinking about the first day of school in September. This is the perfect time to stop and take count of the things that worked well this year and the things that didn’t. As teachers, we should always strive to improve our own practice and student learning.
Legendary Writers Working With Pictures
We live in a society that is becoming more and more visual. It makes sense to combine words and pictures in this day and age. I’m glad to see there are some brilliant writers working with pictures, either in comic book form or in picture books. I love this medium!
Exams, Grades, and Marks Miss the Point
It’s time to do away with arbitrary ways of assigning worth to school work. The worth is in the work itself and not a letter grade or percentage. I wish I could throw away marks entirely and provide descriptive feedback to my students instead. That would be so much better.
Running the Devil’s Creek Trail
I dared to run this trail. See what I did there?
You can see my entire route with some beautiful pictures.
Thanks for Chasing Content with me!
We do this at the start of every month to highlight the best of Silent Cacophony from last year at this time. This way, great posts don’t get buried in the archive.
Make sure you click the link above to see these “Best Of” posts for every single month of this blog.
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