Let’s take a moment to look back at what we were doing here three years ago at this time.
The First Silent Cacophony – I came up with the idea for this blog when I was a teenager. This was well before blogs came to be. I still had a Commodore 64 as my computer. But I had a really cool idea to write a book called “Silent Cacophony” and I wrote a few short items that I have unearthed for all of you.
How Many Elements – We used to believe that there were only four elements and that everything was comprised of either; earth, air, water, or fire. With our modern thinking and technology we now know that this is not the case. Scientists can list hundreds of elements. I propose that there is only one.
Love at First Sight – Here’s another story from my teenaged years. What do you think? Do you believe in love at first sight?
My Window Works – My dad and I got a book from the library and tried to fix my car. We’ve never really worked on a car before together either.
Alone in a Crowd – I went to a huge festival and noticed that it was possible to feel alone in a crowd. I also noticed that I wasn’t the only one feeling that way.
Something Had to Go – I stopped paying for television three years ago and I haven’t had cable since. I haven’t really missed it either.
Think, Leave, Cook, Write or TCLW – Here’s my personal recipe for writing fiction. It has always worked for me.
2 responses to “Chasing Content – July 3 Years Ago”
Hi Chase .. I flipped through all of them and Barbara is there – as now forever supportive! My side window doesn't work .. but I survive – mind you it's not as hot here and I don't do that much travelling..
That was a good chasing content post – enjoyed it .. you got a little challenged with the Story I thought – I can understand your thought process though – we do need to keep everything simple don't we .. KISS (Keep It Simple Stupid) – we certainly overreact and over-egg things ..
Cheers – Hilary
Hi Hilary,
Barbara was very supportive of me when I first started this blog. I might have quit blogging if not for her words of encouragement.
Thanks for Chasing Content with me!
Have a great day!