Let’s take a moment to shovel the snow, dig through the archives, and see what was happening here last year at this time.
Read all of the posts from last January
or just these highlights.
My song, “Gizmo’s Lullaby” dropped a year ago and is available wherever you get your music.
I wrote it to celebrate the birth of my son. My wife and I didn’t find out the gender during the pregnancy so we didn’t know whether we were going to have a son or daughter. It felt strange just saying “the baby” the entire time so I gave him a nickname. It started during the first ultrasound we had. The image on the screen looked like a Gremlin to me (remember that 1984 movie?) So, I started calling the baby “Gizmo” and the name stuck.
Click through to read more, see the lyric video, and get the streaming links.
Tips for Rappers Performing Live
Are you performing at a rap concert? There are a few things you need to do to make sure everything runs smoothly with the DJ. Follow these tips and you will have a great night!
Click through for a handy info-graphic as well.
Ideas Float, Grab Them While You Can
Denise Jaden has a theory. She believes that “ideas float in the atmosphere, and they are fair game for anyone to grab and make use of.”
This is sometimes referred to as the collective unconscious. It seems to be something that we can all tap into. There are so many ideas out there and if we don’t act on them, someone else just might.
Jaden caution us to, “Make use of your ideas, or somebody else will!”
In her book, Story Spark, she gives writers a few exercises they can try to get some of their ideas on the page.
Click through to read more and get inspired.
Still Trail Running in January?
I used to have an off season when it came to running. I never like running in the winter. So, it’s kind of surprising that last year, at this time, I went for a run outside.
Click through to read more and see some photos I snapped along the way.
Thanks for Chasing Content with me!
Here’s a list of ‘Best of” posts just like this one, dating all the way back to the start of this blog in 2007.
Click through to see posts just like this one for every month I have blogged.