Chasing Content – Highlights from July

Chasing ContentLet’s look back at what was happening last year at this time in a little feature I like to call Chasing Content.

You can read all of the posts from last July, 

or just these highlights . . .

Skate Port – Port Stanley’s Skatepark

Not the best skatepark I have ever skated, but it’s got one of the best names!

Why Do We All Have to Earn a Living

I found a quotation online that really spoke to me. Still haven’t figured out an answer to this question, but I hope to some day.

Transformers Comic Review

I really enjoyed this series. I need to find the next few trade paperbacks to read soon.

Kains Woods Adventure

I love running trails and not knowing exactly where I am going. It’s always an adventure.

Chasing Content Archive

Thanks for Chasing Content with me!

Remember to click through all of the links above so that this great content doesn’t get buried in the archive.

Feel free to leave comments as well. They are always appreciated! Unless they are spam, then they are deleted before they ever get posted.
