I’ve decided to launch a new feature here on Silent Cacophony.
This is how it is going to work. I’m going to look back at the posts I did last year at this time and highlight some of the best ones from that month.
I will start off every month this way so we can look back at the month that was and anticipate the great content for the month that will be.
This feature is going to be called Chasing Content because there is no reason these posts should just sit in the archives.
You can read all of the posts I did last June or you can click on the links below to read these notable ones. I’d appreciate new comments on these posts as well. Thanks!
Learning Doesn’t Stop in the Summer – I gave my students homework at the end of the school year last year. I plan on doing the same thing this summer and I hope to get a better return on it.
The New Cities – I got a chance to interview this major-label band. It was the first non-rap interview I had done in years and I was honoured to be asked to do it.
J. Michael Straczynski Autograph – I met this amazing writer at a comic book convention and was honoured to get his autograph.
Drug Mart Sign Confusion – I love this post. I never did write that letter to the editor but this post sparked some discussion online and at my school.
A Day in the Life of a Supply Teacher – A great guest post that received some amazing comments and sparked another teacher to write a follow-up post. Any teachers out there are welcome to write something for my Teaching Tip Tuesdays feature.
It Took Me Injuring Myself to Realize… – It’s a long story that I told over a few different posts but I really hurt myself last year at this time. I’m so glad that I was able to recover from what could have been a serious injury. It really makes me appreciate my health and all that I do have.
2 responses to “Chasing Content – The Best of June”
Hi Chase .. thanks for these links .. I looked at the Drug one – ridiculous and really irritating I guess that was .. I'm surprised they were allowed to get away with it – is it still there?
Enjoy June! Happy Days .. Hilary
Hi Hilary,
The sign is still there. Perhaps I should get around to writing that letter to the editor.
Thanks for chasing content with me 🙂