It’s that time again. As we approach a brand new month, we think of all the potential that lie in front of us over the next 31 days.
Welcome to the latest installment of Chasing Content. This feature allows us to look back and see where Silent Cacophony was last year at this time. You can read all of the posts from last August or you can browse through these old favourites. There is no reason these posts should get buried in the archives (maybe the last two could though)
Brother Ali is Phenomenal – This guy is definitely one of my favourite rappers. I can’t believe I went from blogging about him to actually getting to interview him earlier this year. What a trip!
Three Types of Listeners – What type of listener are you? Read this post and weigh in with a comment.
Summer’s Gone – This song always hurts to hear. It’s a painful reminder that the summer has flown by too quickly. I’m not looking forward to the summer coming to a close but it’s pretty much inevitable. This is a great song from an amazing band though.
Teaching Tip Tuesday: The First Day of School – Teaching Tip Tuesdays is currently on hiatus but will start up again when school does. Any new teachers might like to read my advice for the first day and check out the other great tips, resources, and ideas I share every week.
3-Sided Mix Tape – This one still hurts my heart. I wish things had worked out differently.
A Sad Picture Story – This tells the story of why the above post still hurts. It does so in a few pictures and accompanying text. I hope she’s doing okay. I still think about her often.