Silent Cacophony is a sounding board for Chase March. Here you will find his podcast, book reviews, skatepark tours, teaching-related articles and resources, and much more. Please use the buttons on the home page to navigate to the topics that interest you.
Count it as a Loss
There is a new machine in the grocery store that I have walked past several dozen times without actually giving it any serious attention. It looks like a bank machine but it is actually a DVD rental machine. There is a sign right beside this machine that is really hard to miss. It states, “New…
That One Special Person
My cousin got married on the weekend. The ceremony was a short and sweet affair on the beach. It was a beautiful sunny day and everything about it seemed perfect. I’m happy for her and her new husband. I hope they have a wonderful life together. The wedding was amazing. I have been to several…
A Little Blogging Difficulty
I am having a little blogging difficulty. I am at my mom’s for the weekend and I remember that last time I was here that her computer gave me some problems. Well, it is doing it again. I don’t know why but I think the Blogger doesn’t like old Macs. I seem to have a…
100th Entry
This is the 100th entry of this blog. It feels like a milestone, like a reason to celebrate. Happy 100th entry! Thanks for sharing this with me.
It is a day full of arghhhs. First I get into a stupid pointless fight about business long since passed. Then I go online to get some comfort from my blogging friends, to read their blogs, and hopefully relax a bit and ECD’s blog won’t load up properly. ARGHHH! ECD has cool links that I…
Keep Holding On
I don’t know why some people feel that they need to keep holding on to a grudge, or acting vindictively well after the fact. I have been having a problem with a certain person now for quite some time. I have tried to keep it out of my blog though. Today, I am just frustrated…
Tape Runs Out
I mourn the loss of the audio cassette. I used to spend hours recording things onto cassette. I remember when my brother and I used to use a tape recorder to make silly commercials and pretend that we were talk radio hosts. It was a lot of fun. I then became interested in DJing and…
Don’t Have the Time
I wish I had some more time to explore the blogosphere but I really have a lot of work to do today. The first thing I do when I sign on to the computer at the library is go to my blog. I update the comments, if any, and then go on to read my…
Too Too Hot!
This heat wave is crushing me. Normally I don’t complain about the weather. After all, there is nothing that we can really do about it. But this hot, sticky, humid, hazy weather we have been having all week needs to go away. I can’t stand this! It is hard to do anything when it is…
All is Well
When I was filling out the admission form at the hospital I noticed that my surgery was called “umbilical hernia repair.” I thought it strange that we “repair” human beings. It was the first time I have ever heard that word used outside of machinery talk. But I laughed it off. The surgery was a…