At the end of the Enderverse

About twenty years ago, I discovered an amazing book by Orson Scott Card. It was in the audiobook section of the public library. I knew nothing about it when I picked it up. But the cover intrigued me, especially that part about it being a science fiction classic.

The audiobook of Ender’s Game was incredible and it sparked countless sequels, parallel novels, and even prequels. I loved how it was narrated by a full cast and not a single reader. It really brought the story to life. In the afterward, Card said that the audiobook was the definitive edition. I couldn’t argue with that so I started working through the series in audiobook format.

There are 4 books in the original Ender’s Game series. They are . . .

Ender’s Game
Speaker for the Dead
Children of the Mind

But the story doesn’t end there. This companion series focuses on the character of Bean. It features these books . . .

Ender’s Shadow
Shadow of the Hegemon
Shadow Puppets
Shadow of the Giant

I just finished a reread of all these titles (in audiobook format) and I thoroughly enjoyed the ride. But the tale doesn’t even end there.

So I kept listening. I whipped through . . .

Ender in Exile
Shadows in Flight

and then finished the original story with the final book The Last Shadow.

I’m kind of sad it’s over. It was nice reworking my way through the series and discovering how it all ended.

My favourite books in the series are, in order; Speaker for the Dead, Ender’s Game, Ender’s Shadow, and Shadow of the Giant.

I could listen to more of this adventure as there are six books in a prequel series and a few side story adventures too. So, I’m probably not quite at the end of the Enderverse. Not yet!