When I was filling out the admission form at the hospital I noticed that my surgery was called “umbilical hernia repair.” I thought it strange that we “repair” human beings. It was the first time I have ever heard that word used outside of machinery talk. But I laughed it off.
The surgery was a piece of cake. Everything went according to plan. I arrived at 06:30 hrs to check in and by 08:00 hrs I was on my way up to the O.R. I brought a novel with me and was able to read about ninety pages while I waited.
The nurse gave me an estimated time when my dad could come pick me up. She said that the surgery should be on time and that it is booked for an hour. There is an hour in the recovery room, and then an hour back in the hospital room. Her estimate was right on the money because I left the hospital at noon.
As I was getting released, the nurse gave me some paper work and advice on how to take the next few weeks. I tell you, I hadn’t actually thought about that before. I thought that because it was a quick, in and out, day surgery, that it wouldn’t be that big a deal. It turns out I was wrong.
First, I am not supposed to lift anything for the next six weeks. I wish I had of known that before because I was planning on some tasks and chores this summer that involve lifting and moving things around. I was also told that I can’t go running in the span of time as well.
It hurts too. I’m not in a lot of pain but it is constant. It feels tight, like someone is pushing my belly all the time. At least that reminds me not to lift things. I’ve done okay so far too.
Tomorrow I can take off the bandage and shower again. I am so looking forward to that. So all is well with me. Thanks for all your well-wishes. I really appreciated it.
2 responses to “All is Well”
May you have a speedy and an uneventful recovery. And listen to your doctor — save the weight lifting for a few months down the road.
Thanks ECD. I am trying to remember to take it easy, which is hard for me because I am quite the active guy.