I have known about podcasts for a while now. My friend even burned me a few CDs of some notable ones. I really enjoyed having the new hip-hop mix shows and have listened to the CDs quite a few times.
But now, I have the Internet at my command and disposal. Must get podcasts. Must get podcasts.
I’ve found a few good ones. I haven’t really found a good Canadian hip-hop show though, but I’ll stay on the lookout.
And I’m not sure which podcasts are safe. My Creative Zen has a podcast organizer and I’ve found some good shows there. I’ve also tapped iTunes for all the good rap shows they have.
Podcasts are nice because I can put them on my MP3 player or burn them to disc for my car, I don’t have stay up late now and try to tape radio shows like I used to. I can now just subscribe to the shows I like and they come directly to me. I can listen to it on the computer and keep it or chuck it.
I think I’m going to have to buy more blank CDs though. I really like listening to new stuff in the car.
This is the nail in the coffin for the cassette tape. My tape deck isn’t even plugged in anymore. But it holds fond memories and it’ll wait for me to come back. I still listen to some of those old tapes when the mood strikes me.
So, do you have any good podcase recommendations? They don’t have to be hip-hop either. My musical tastes are varied. Let me know what you like and what’s good. Drop a comment.
2 responses to “Addicted to Podcasts”
You gotta take a listen to my christian hip hop podcast. I don’t sound too great (mostly cuz I need a co-host) but the music is badical (bad+radical). bigsto.wordpress.com.
Thanks Michael,
I’ll check that out for sure.