Amanda Palmer writes,
“In my darkest hours, I still go to my secret stash of medicine-music to comfort me, like a familiar childhood blanket, and cocoon myself in the songs of . . . “
Instead of sharing her list of medicine-music, I thought I would share mine.
No matter how I feel; happy, sad, depressed, lonely, etc, I can put on any one of my Buffalo Tom albums and feel better. Likewise, Tim McGraw albums often do the job.
I can always listen to Tiffany when I am in a low spot.
2Pac and Run-DMC are all-time favs!
Smoother and superGARAGE are great medicine-music for me as well. When I was a teenager, I went to see both of those bands live all of the time. They were local independent groups and playing them, even today, brings back those great memories.
I agree with Palmer about the power that music can have. She compares a live concert to “sharing a blanket with a crowd of strangers” and says that it gives her “a feeling of humanhood that [she] doesn’t often get to experience; it’s the closest thing [she has] to church.”
When the gift circulates, we feel the very essence of art and life not just in words and songs, but also in our deep desire to share them with one another.
This is why she says, The Gift Must Always Move.
This belief comes from a book by Lewis Hyde entitled The Gift. I think I am adding that book to my must-reads list now.
What is your secret medicine music?
Please share it below in the comment section!