April 2019

  • WIB with Mickey OBrien

    Digging Deep with Mickey O’Brien (WIB Rap Radio)

    Mickey O’Brien called in to Word is Bond Rap Radio Tuesday night to kick it with DJ Chase March and Daddy J to talk about his new album “My Drift.” Plus, we got several requests including songs by MF Doom, Diamond D, Casper, and The Pharcyde. Press play, enjoy the show, and help spread the…

  • The Walking Dead Volume 29 - 30

    Rick and Neegan (More Alike Than Different?)

    I still enjoy The Walking Dead comic series. It’s always nice to see the graphic novels showing up at the library. Here are the latest two volumes I read and my thoughts on them. There are minor spoiler alerts ahead. The Walking Dead Vol 29 – Lines We Cross I will recap some elements of this story without…

  • Empty Wallet

    How DJs Can Get Their Finances In Order When Trying To Go Pro

    Your music is getting enough attention that it’s time to think about going pro. This article will help you get your finances in order while you’re making the big step up. Be aware of your financial personality type Like many things in life, your personality has an impact on how you manage your finances –…

  • Star Trek Discovery

    Trekkies Rejoice – Star Trek Discovery

    Last season, I watched the first episode of Star Trek Discovery and discovered it wasn’t for me. It didn’t feel like the Star Trek I grew up loving. However, a friend of mine encouraged me to keep watching and I am glad that I did. The show has done a great job at respecting the…

  • Alone Time

    We All Need Unplugged Alone Time

    For some of us, it is difficult to truly be alone with our thoughts. We are constantly bombarded with all sorts of stimuli. If we have a spare moment, we often fill it by turning to our smart phones. It has gotten to the point that many of us simply do not know how to…

  • WIB Rap Radio #363 - Eh Vee

    WIB Rap Radio #363 with Eh Vee

    This week on the program, Guelph emcee, Eh Vee, calls in to talk about his new single “Clash of the Titans” featuring Eternia and Adam Bomb. He lets us know about his upcoming E.P., the problem with pay-to-play shows, and how independent artists need to put it the work to promote their music. He should…

  • DJ Chase March Events

    420 in the Forest City

    DWG Entertainment Presents “420 in the Forest City” Come celebrate the unofficial holiday with some great live performances by . . . Jux Cain Lola Mathew Ferguson Mic Guts Singafrass TempoMental Traffimatics Typo with special guest, Ngajuana featuring DJ Chase March and DJ Wiskaz on the 1s and 2s plus, an 8 Man Dopest 16…

  • Doctor Who Archives Vol 2

    The 11th Doctor Still Travels with The Ponds

    The Eleventh Doctor Archives: Volume 2 I haven’t read Volume 1 of this collection, but I would like to. I read graphic novels out of order all the time, simply due to the fact that I borrow whatever is available from the public library when I visit one of the branches. I really loved the…

  • Chef Borges Live

    Chef Borges Live – The Highlights

    Word is Bond Rap Radio threw a concert Saturday April 13, 2019 at The Rec Room in London, Ontario. Chef Borges headlined the show, with performances by Jay., Solyd Roy, Oh KG, Mad Hattr, and Jag.Huligan. SirRealWorld Studios sponsored a 16 Bar Competition that featured some great talent featuring Brewza, Typo, Lola, and a few…

  • Student Engagement Teaser

    The Key to Getting Student Engagement

    There are countless books on the market aimed at teachers. However, some of the best teaching advice comes from books aimed at business professionals, coaches, and even hostage negotiators. In his book, Never Split the Difference: Negotiating as if your life depended on it, Chris Voss lays out some tools that will perfectly fit in…