November 2014
Marvel Knights – Dark Reign – Shadowland
Marvel Knights # 1 – 15 (2000) I am counting this one as a graphic novel when it comes to my reading log even though it was never collected as such. In fact, much like this title, these heroes were probably not meant to come together either. They certainly aren’t the X-men, Avengers, or Justice…
Learning Skills
I just wrote my Progress Reports and I had a hard time coming up with personalized comments for each student in my class. I looked at what I had written in the past and I searched online for comments I could use. I then began writing, but I was pretty much making it up as…
The Car Thief
The Car Thief by Theodore Weesner Publishers offer to send me books every single week since I have this great platform in which to share them with you. This story sounded like it would be right up my alley. I love literary fiction and I like classics. This one seemed like it combined both of…
Spider-Woman: Origin
Spider-Woman: Origin I came into this story knowing nothing about this character. I had heard her name before and even seen her in some of The Avenger books I have read, but I didn’t have a grasp on who she was prior to picking up this book. Brian Michael Bendis is one of my all-time…
How Successful Teachers Lead
How Successful People Lead by John C. Maxwell Teachers are a special kind of leader. We have to lead a classroom full of students who have very diverse needs and attitudes. I thought reading this book might help me develop further as a leader in education. While it wasn’t written with teachers in mind, I…
Warwick Conservation Area
I found myself near Warwick, Ontario so I decided to see what the conservation area had to offer. I started my run on The Blue Flag trail, not knowing exactly what to expect. But that is half of the fun! It wasn’t long before this trail reached the perimeter fence. There is camping at this park…
The Taylor Swift – Tiffany Connection
I posted this to Facebook last week because I truly was excited about the new Taylor Swift album dropping. I am not ashamed to admit that I love music of all different sorts of genres. I know that certain people know me as a hip-hop DJ and radio personality and would be surprised to learn…
Northern Lights Art Project
Ten years ago this week, I had to get some gas on the way to work. As I went in the store to pay, I noticed this brilliant photo on the front page of the newspaper. I was immediately inspired by this gorgeous image. First, we don’t normally get to see the Northern Lights in…
Fanshawe Park – Lake Trail
Fanshawe Conservation Area is located in London, Ontario and it is a great place to come for a picnic, to visit a working Pioneer Village, and to experience all that natural beauty of the area. Today, we will be exploring The Lake Trail. The Lake Trail runs through several types of terrain. It goes through the bush…
Daredevil – One Shots
This one-off story was originally published in Italy and has never been presented to North American audiences until now. The villain in this one is Death Stalker, who first appeared in Frank Miller’s legendary run on the Daredevil title. The story was translated into English for this edition but it seems to work just fine.…