January 2010
Laughs in the Mail
I got this letter in the mail on Friday and I laughed out loud. It’s not often a letter can evoke laughter from me. Laughter that brightens up my whole day. Laughter that was desperately needed that day. Before I show you the letter though, it needs a bit of set-up. I hope you’ve been…
Sunglasses, who knew?
I must admit that I’ve never been a fan of sunglasses. I normally wear a hat when I go outside and thought that was enough. The brim of the hat stops the sun from getting in my eyes. The optometrist suggested that I start wearing sunglasses to protect my eyes from some of the harmful…
This Show Really Sings
I don’t watch a lot of television. It’s not simply because of the limited choice I have with the rabbit ears on top of my TV set either. I think it’s due to the fact that most shows seem to let me down. I haven’t had a must-see show in a few years, which I…
Three Elusive Quarters
This is a short story I wrote entitled “Three Elusive Quarters” It is fiction and told from the point of view of a ten year old girl. I thought I should make that clear since “I” on this blog normally refers to me and not a fictional character. Let me know what you think. I…
The Key Elements Great Teachers Possess
What Makes a Great Teacher by Amanda Ripley is a great article that really dissects the key elements that great teachers possess. 1) “First, great teachers tended to set big goals for their students.” I agree. I think this is the key to teaching. We need to expect each and every student in our classes…
The Best Album Ever*
I think Good Weird Feeling is the best album ever released. It is by a group called The Odds. This album is absolutely amazing. It is one of only a few albums in my collection that I never seemed to get bored of. I can listen to it no matter what my mood. When it…
This Torch is Brilliant
Any of my regular readers will know that I don’t have cable television. I get a few channels in using rabbit ears but for the most part, I rely on borrowing DVDs from the library. I absolutely love that you can get full seasons of TV shows on DVD now. I’ve been enjoying several series…
Learn How to Signal Already
I need to register a complaint… It’s about all of the people on the roads who do not know how to use the turning signals correctly. This is especially annoying when there is only one lane in each direction. I’ve had to slam on my breaks more than a few times because someone in front…
Collected Wisdom This Week
I’ve come across a few really cool jewels of wisdom in my online travels this week. I wanted to share them with you. This week’s contributers are, Reverend Run (of Run-DMC.) – he posts inspirational Tweets each and every day. Calvin – runs a great blog where he shares what he finds online. Nothing Profound…
Teaching Tip Tuesday – Eliminate the Negative
Teaching is a tough profession. In fact, the only way to learn how to be a teacher is to teach, to make mistakes, to learn from them, and to improve your teaching practice so that you find something that works for you. I know that I have felt like a failure time and time again…