13 Albums that Stood Out in 2013

I really wanted to write “The Top 13 albums of 2013” and keep up the tradition that has been going strong on this blog for the past five years, but when I thought of my favourite, most-listened to, albums this year, I only came up with a handful of titles.

Conshus and I talked about our favourite albums of the year on Our Show on 91.5 fm in WInterpark, Florida as part of our weekly live radio program. Since I am in Canada, we do this via Google Hangouts every week. You can see our entire conversation on the YouTube video below.

I managed to come up with 13 albums that I enjoyed this year.

Like Conshus says, we don’t need to do a best-of list because everything we play on the show is the best.

So here are my most-listened to albums of the year.

#13. Derek Christoff (aka D-sisive) and The Arkeologists – d.ark tape

dark tape

#12. Paranom and Purpose – Life Outside the Frame

Paranom and Purpose

#11. L’Orange and Stik Figa – The City Under the City


#10. Rapsody – She Got Game


#9. Avril Lavigne – Avril Lavigne

Avril Lavigne

#8. Dynasty – A Star in Life’s Clothing

Dynasty - Star in Lifes Clothing

#7. Reverie and Infameezy – Woolgathering


#6. E-turn and SPS – Dark Trust

E-Turn - Dark Trust

#5. Marco Polo – Port Authority 2: The Director’s Cut

PA2 The Director's Cut

#4. Ugly Heroes – Ugly Heroes


#3. Branded Moore – Branded Moore

Branded Moore

# 2. Classified – Classified 


# 1. Shad – Flying Colours

Shad Flying Colours