Ten Intentions for a Better Classroom

I found this on Tumblr today and my first thought was, “Wow! I’d love to adopt this for my classroom.”

I like how it uses the word intent. These aren’t rules. These are ideals, and while we might not always be able to live 100% by them, they are something to strive for.

Of course, I’d need to simplify them a bit to fit my classroom. I’ve been thinking about how to put the headings into words the students would readily understand. I think I should just number them such as “1 – Support Life”

I also think I should replace “Synergize.” At first glance, “Synchronize” seems like a complicated term as well, but I think the kids might be able to relate that to how we synch our MP3 players with our computers.

I’d also like to add pictures to go along with each intent.

This project may take some time but I think it would be worth the effort.

If you have any ideas or suggestions to help me out, I’d love to hear them. I’ve been working on this for an hour now and am no closer to adapting it.

2 responses to “Ten Intentions for a Better Classroom”

  1. Hi Chase .. that's some task and for now I've got masses of my own pending .. but certainly I love your Intent to do this .. synchronise would shorted to synch .. may not teach them the spelling, but would enable to understand straight away ..

    Same thought for synergize? Synthesiser .. it too has a music connection .. If you look up Wiki – Synergy (music) ..

    Shine your Light .. could be Kindness – doing kind things with a smile during the day ..

    It'll be great to see what you come up with .. it's an interesting post and idea .. thanks – Hilary