Meaning of a Name

Names don’t mean anything. Sure, there may be some history behind a certain name and you might find out what your name “means” but for the most part, your parents didn’t pick your name based on its meaning. They picked it based on its sound, how it fit with your last name and the others of those in your family.

Take for example my name.


Of course “chase” is often used as a verb. Does this mean my parents decided to name me this because they always wanted to make sure they followed me on my life’s journey? Did they want to run after me constantly? The former sounds plausible and the later ridiculous.

As a name, Chase means “hunter”

My parents never took me hunting. I don’t hunt. I don’t even fish. So the person I am is far removed from the so-called meaning of my first name.

Strangely enough, my last name is also a verb.

March – to walk with regular steady steps of equal length, usually in a group or military formation.

I have always been a bit of a loner. I guess you could say I march to my own beat. So perhaps my last name does fit with who I am.

The meaning for the name though, removes me from it one again.

The name March was “topographic name for someone who lived on the border between two territories, especially in the Marches between England and Wales or England and Scotland, from Anglo-Norman French marche ‘boundary’ (of Germanic origin; compare Mark 2). In some cases, the surname may be a habitational name from March in Cambridgeshire, which was probably named from the locative case of Old English mearc ‘boundary’.”*

or “from a nickname or personal name for someone who was born or baptized in the month of March (Middle English, Old French march(e), Latin Martius (mensis), from the name of the god Mars) or who had some other special connection with the month, such as owing a feudal obligation then.”*

So let’s put both names together and see what they say about me.

Chase March is someone who hunts after what he wants with deliberate actions to help him achieve his goal. Chase March strides the boundaries and bides his time until the third month of the year when he can spring into action.


Okay, it’s just a name that doesn’t really mean anything. But it is my name and I like it so I’m keeping it.

* from the website

5 responses to “Meaning of a Name”

  1. Hi Davina,

    It would be interesting if everyone picked their name when they hit twenty. We could adopt a name that really defined us and then live our life with that name. But that's kind of weird.

    Hi Silverfish,

    I'm confused too. I don't know why we have all these lists and books and websites of name meanings. We can't really control what our name means. We don't get to pick our name and often we don;t even get to pick an nicknames either. So a name is just a name, that's what I wanted to say.

  2. Why did people name the stars and planets after animals and gods? What about the days of the week and the months? They are named for people and gods too. Interesting to think about the etiology of these words, eh?
