A Photographic Tour of Embro Conservation Area

Embro Conservation Area is located in South Western, Ontario and is part of the Upper Thames River Conservation Authority.

Embro is also home to the annual Zorra Highland Games.

As you can see from this trail map, there are several different trails that wind through the conservation area.

It starts out with a grass trail beside the pond and then leads back towards the woods.

I love how quiet and peaceful it is in these back trails.

This red symbol on the bridge was the only trail marker that I actually saw during my five kilometer run.

I must still be on the red trail. It was marked as the rail trail on the map and this definitely looks like there used to be a train track running through this section.

This confirms it. This trail did in fact used to be a railroad.

I ran all the way down the straight rail trail and came out at a road. It didn’t seem to loop up like it appeared to on the trail map. So I ran back down the long and straight trail to this side one.

I really enjoyed running this system of trails but I did have to do some fancy footwork as there are many uneven sections and several tree roots and rocks to watch out for.

So, that’s my tour of Embro Conservation Area. I hope you enjoyed it!

Click on the Photographic Tours button at the top of this page to explore other great running spots. I hope to find some other great spots to share with you soon.

2 responses to “A Photographic Tour of Embro Conservation Area”

  1. Hi Chase .. stunning trail – I'd love to walk it(not run!) .. looks gorgeous and I love your root path – not good for easy running, but lovely photo .. cheers Hilary

  2. Hi Hilary,

    I thought I'd try a few different angles this time around. I normally just take a shot from where I'm standing but I had to kneel to the ground for that one.

    I also left the trail to shoot the drainage tunnel that rain under the old rail track.

    I'm glad you enjoyed the tour. Thanks for the comment!