We Need to Teach Online Safety and Etiquette

This is a great infographic that I plan on sharing with my students this week.

I like how it encourages parents and teachers to join Facebook. I really think we need to be using the same sites and teaching responsible posting and netiquette. It’s pretty hard to do that if we don’t partake in social media.

I tried to create a professional presence on Facebook this year to keep in touch with parents and students. Unfortunately, I learned about the pitfalls of social media and had to cancel my account. It is something that I would like to try again. I am sure it can work with a better foundation, support from the school’s administration, and proper education all around. That being said, I think I am going to wait a year or so to try again.

I like how the graphic encourages us to speak up and do something when bullying happens. Tell – Unfriend – Block – Report. Good advice.

Even further, I think we need to teach our students the dangers of sharing too much online. Certain things are better left untyped.

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4 responses to “We Need to Teach Online Safety and Etiquette”

  1. Hi Hilary,

    I showed it to two different classes for this week's health lesson. Internet safety is a topic that we need to teach.

    The lesson went well. I think most of them knew this stuff but it never hurts to reinforce it and back it up.


  2. Chase to the rescue…as a T-L I've had my grade 5/6 class working on autobiographies by creating their own facebook profiles on paper using a template I designed. The lesson was going to connect into internet safety this week by critiquing our "profiles" and editing them to be internet safe. You saved me from creating a resource to go with this lesson. Awesome!

    PS I passed your blog onto a few teachers at my school and one picked up your rap lesson for a student. This student was beyond proud of himself for the writing he has done this week for his own rap songs.

  3. Hi Amber,

    That is so awesome! I am going to be doing a rap writing workshop at the public library this week. I am really excited about it.

    It's really cool to see that I have inspired people all over. Thanks so much for sharing this site with your teacher friends. It means a lot.

    And I know I promised to put up that drama resource. It's in my to-do pile (which keeps getting bigger and bigger) I hope to get to it soon.
