The Console for My TARDIS

Last year, I built a life-sized TARDIS.

This year, I wanted to expand on it a little bit further by creating the control room.

The TARDIS is bigger on the inside so this console room will be a completely separate build. It won’t be housed inside the Public Call Box you see above.

My first challenge was to build the cylinder that sits atop the hexagonal base.


I couldn’t find a large, clear plastic tube that would work. I searched for a suitable compromise for a long time.

Plastic Fencing

Finally, I came upon this plastic fencing and thought that I could use it to make the cylinder.

Console Cylinder

I used my old 13-inch snare drum casing to wrap the fencing around and keep it in place.

Snare Drum Base

I then used cable ties to secure the cylinder since it stands about four feet high.

TARDIS Console Centre

Lastly, I used tube Christmas lights and ran them up and down the fencing in five straight lines. I secured them with cable ties as well.

That’s just STEP ONE of my TARDIS Console Room build. Check back soon to see how I create the hexagonal base, switches, and controls.

Hopefully, this summer, I will have a short fan film to share with you as well.

2 responses to “The Console for My TARDIS”

  1. Have you tried website? It has a workshop that calculates the console dimensions for you.

    Are you making it out of wood?

  2. Hi Derrick,

    I finished the build already. I used corrugated plastic for the walls so it is light enough for two people to carry and move around. It’s a bit smaller than the real TARDIS but it’s still awesome. Thanks for the comment and the link!