December 2009

  • Rap is Music

    I wrote a post two years ago to try and battle the mind frame that Rap Music Isn’t Music Since then, I have continued to get comments on that post where the vast majority of people cannot seem to concede that rap is indeed music. The argument seems to go that it takes no talent […]

  • Jericho Returns for a Third Season

    Jericho is an amazing television series that I have written about here time and time again. I was hooked on it from the very first episode. It drew me in and kept me on the edge of my seat for 22 episodes. Unfortunately, this amazing show didn’t have the numbers that the network wanted to […]

  • Passing Fear onto Your Students

    When I was in student in school, I absolutely hated math. When I went to teacher’s college, I discovered a new appreciation for the subject that I had dreaded all those years. It was all thanks to a brilliant professor that we had who passed on to us his passion for mathematics. Well, at least […]